How To: Make an awesome 3D paper snowflake

Make an awesome 3D paper snowflake

This video will show you how to make an interesting 3D paper snowflake. You will need 6 pieces of paper, some scissors, glue and a stapler. First, make 6 squares which are the same size. After folding the squares across its diagonal axis into a triangle and folding it over again, hold the triangle so that its open ends are facing outwards. Cut diagonal lines along the line of the triangle towards the center, stopping close to the middle line. After opening the paper, take the two ends of each inner triangle and glue them together in a sort of barrel shape. Alternate sides and glue together in order to make one 3D point of the star. Repeat this for the other 5 pieces, after which you can staple all the pieces together to make one large 3D paper snowflake. This video will show viewers how to make an beautiful decoration for Christmas.

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