A bouquet of fresh roses is wonderful but real roses soon fade and die. Make a rose that will last forever, or at least a lot longer that a freshly cut one. Give your rose to someone special or use it as a decoration.
Give that special someone a rose that will survive without water or sunlight. Make a rose or a whole bouquet with duct tape.
You Will Need
* Scissors
* Red and green duct tape
* Floral wire
Step 1: Cut tape
Cut several strips of red duct tape 2 inches in length.
Use other colors, such as yellow or white, for your rose.
Step 2: Make a petal
Fold the left corner of one of the squares, sticky side up, down towards the opposite corner, leaving some adhesive showing on the right side and the bottom.
How To Craft a Duct Tape Rose: Attach to wire
Step 3: Attach to wire
Place the floral wire on top of the exposed adhesive on the bottom left side of your first petal. Wrap the tape around the wire.
Step 4: Make more petals
Make another rose petal. Tilt the petal slightly to the left, and secure it to the wire with the exposed adhesive next to the first petal.
Step 5: Repeat
Keep making and adding petals to the wire until you have a full rose.
Step 6: Make a stem
Cut a piece of tape twice the length of the stem. Cut or tear it lengthwise so it is one quarter its original width.
Step 7: Wrap
Wrap the tape along the wire and then cut away any excess tape.
According to fossil evidence, the rose is 35 million years old
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